2013년 11월 29일 금요일

About 'b-100 vitamin'|What Vitamins Do I Take

About 'b-100 vitamin'|What Vitamins Do I Take

The               antioxidant               properties               of               Vitamin               E               have               been               given               credit               for               everything               from               preventing               aging               to               preventing               cancer.

While               many               of               these               claims               are               over-hyped,               the               body               runs               more               efficiently               with               proper               amounts               of               Vitamin               E.

Vitamin               E               foods               are               easy               to               find,               but               are               often               excluded               from               the               diet               due               to               their               fat               content.

Adding               more               of               these               foods               into               your               diet               can               offer               many               health               benefits.

At               the               end               of               this               article               there               is               a               list               of               foods               rich               in               vitamin               E               as               well               as               a               sample               one               day               vitamin               E               focused               menu.

What               are               the               Benefits               of               Vitamin               E
               Vitamin               E               is               a               fat               soluble               vitamin               that               offers               many               health               benefits.

These               health               benefits               mostly               involve               slowing               down               the               process               of               your               body               aging               by               neutralizing               free               radicals               in               the               body.

While               the               antioxidant               effects               of               vitamin               E               do               not               reverse               free               radical               damage,               it               has               been               shown               (along               with               sufficient               levels               of               other               antioxidants)               to               slow               down               the               effects               of               aging.

Vitamin               E               has               also               been               linked               with               the               prevention               of               many               different               diseases               including               cardiovascular               disease               and               some               cancers.
               Clinical               research               has               not               shown               any               clear               benefits               of               vitamin               E               supplementation               above               the               recommended               daily               allowance               (RDA)               of               15               mg               for               adults.

The               best               way               to               get               all               the               health               benefits               of               vitamin               E               is               to               add               it               to               your               diet               through               nutritious               and               natural               foods               that               will               load               your               body               with               not               only               vitamin               E,               but               also               a               wide               variety               of               other               vitamins               and               minerals.
               How               Antioxidants               Protect               Against               Free               Radical               damage
               Free               radicals               are               atoms               that               are               missing               an               electron               after               a               molecule               has               been               broken.

These               free               radicals               are               working               hard               to               regain               that               missing               electron               and               become               stable.

As               a               free               radical               steals               an               electron               from               another               atom,               the               second               atom               then               becomes               a               free               radical,               starting               the               process               over               again.
               Vitamin               E               and               other               antioxidants               stop               the               free               radical               chain               reaction               because               antioxidant               atoms               are               stable               even               after               one               electron               has               been               stolen               by               a               free               radical.
               These               antioxidant               benefits               of               vitamin               E               has               been               linked               with               lower               rates               of               heart               disease,               some               cancer               prevention,               reduced               cases               of               age               related               eye               disorders               (i.e.

macular               degeneration,               cataracts),               slowing               the               cognitive               effects               of               dementia,               and               protecting               the               skin               from               wrinkles               and               sun               damage.
               Foods               contain               Vitamin               E
               The               benefits               of               Vitamin               E               have               not               been               strongly               linked               with               supplementing               in               levels               above               the               RDA.

The               adult               RDA               for               Vitamin               E               is               15mg.

This               amount               of               Vitamin               E               can               easily               be               achieved               through               diet.

A               true               vitamin               E               deficiency               is               very               rare               and               is               usually               related               to               a               fat-malabsorption               disorder               or               dieting               products               that               prevent               fat               absorption               (such               as               Alli               diet               pill).
               The               best               Vitamin               E               foods               are               green               leafy               vegetables,               whole               grains,               nuts,               vegetable               oils,               and               fortified               cereals.

With               all               of               these               foods,               cooking               and               storage               can               destroy               some               vitamin               E.

Steaming               is               generally               the               best               way               to               prepare               vitamin               E               rich               vegetables               and               preserve               most               of               the               vitamins.
               The               best               vitamin               E               food               sources:
               wheat               germ               
               sunflower               seeds               
               sunflower               seed               oil               
               safflower               oil               
               peanut               butter               
               corn               oil               
               spinach               (raw               or               steamed)               
               soybean               oil               
               sweet               potato               
               egg               yolks               
               Total               Cereal               (contains               100%               RDA               per               1               cup               serving)
               A               Menu               of               Vitamin               E               Foods
               Top               your               cereal               or               oatmeal               with               wheat               germ,               sunflower               seeds,               almonds,               hazelnuts,               or               stir               in               2               tablespoons               of               peanut               butter.

Or               have               a               bowl               of               Total               Cereal.
               Have               a               turkey               sandwich               topped               with               spinach,               tomato,               and               avocado.
               Include               a               spinach,               broccoli,               tomato,               and               avocado               salad               as               a               side.

Top               your               salad               with               sunflower               seed               or               slivered               almonds.
               End               your               meal               with               a               kiwi,               mango,               strawberry               fruit               salad.

Or               blend               with               yogurt               and               drink               a               delicious               antioxidant               smoothie.
               While               a               vitamin               E               deficiency               is               very               rare,               the               incredible               antioxidant               properties               of               vitamin               E               are               well               worth               pursuing               through               vitamin               E               rich               foods               in               the               diet.

Healthy,               whole-foods               eating               will               not               only               provide               a               boost               to               the               vitamin               E               in               your               diet,               you               will               also               get               a               variety               of               other               vitamins               and               minerals.
               Disclaimer:               This               article               is               for               educational               use               only.

It               should               not               be               used               as               a               substitute               for               professional               medical               advice,               diagnosis               or               treatment.

For               your               situation,               please               seek               the               advice               of               a               qualified               medical               professional.

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