2013년 11월 26일 화요일

About 'vitamins side effects'|...there are problems with regards to side effects, dosing regimens and cost. Vitamin D May Reduce Risk of MS, Study Says RedNova Thu, 21...

About 'vitamins side effects'|...there are problems with regards to side effects, dosing regimens and cost. Vitamin D May Reduce Risk of MS, Study Says RedNova Thu, 21...

Hoodia               gordonii               is               a               popular               natural               ingredient               found               in               many               weight               loss               products               with               the               makers               of               such               products               claiming               that               this               plant               helps               suppress               appetite               and               thus               aids               in               weight               loss.

Hoodia's               side               effects               are               not               known               as               there               have               been               no               published               scientific               reports               on               the               side               effects               of               hoodia.

Research               has               been               conducted               on               the               effectiveness               of               hoodia               as               a               weight               loss               supplement               and               potential               side               effects               of               it,               but               as               of               2008               none               of               this               data               has               been               conclusive.

So               what               side               effects               should               one               be               concerned               about               when               taking               a               diet               or               weight               loss               supplement               that               contains               hoodia               extracts?

Without               official               FDA               regulation               and               no               official               long               term               studies               on               the               effect               of               hoodia               gordonii               on               the               human               body,               people               can               only               speculate               on               potential               issues               and               health               risks               with               using               hoodia.

There               are               a               lot               of               theories               on               how               hoodia               acts               on               the               body,               but               theories               are               not               conclusive.
               Appetite               suppression               -               The               main               selling               point               behind               hoodia               extracts               is               that               is               acts               on               the               brain               in               such               a               way               that               people               taking               the               extract               claim               they               have               less               desire               to               eat.

This               in               itself               could               lead               to               a               person               failing               to               get               their               full               nutritional               needs               met               on               a               daily               basis.

If               they               have               no               hunger,               they               may               be               severely               reducing               their               food               intake               missing               out               on               crucial               vitamins,               nutrients,               and               calories.
               Thirst               suppression               -               Another               unofficial               side               effect               of               hoodia               is               that               some               people               taking               hoodia               extracts               have               noticed               their               need               to               quench               their               thirst               has               gone               down.

This               dangerous               potential               side               effect               could               mean               that               those               taking               diet               supplements               containing               hoodia               could               be               at               risk               for               dehydration;               which               can               be               deadly.

The               body               is               naturally               designed               to               alert               us               when               we               are               hungry               or               thirsty;               if               hoodia               interferes               with               this               communication               a               person               taking               hoodia               could               be               dehydrated               and               not               know               it               until               it               is               too               late.
               Liver               damage               -               Some               doctors               have               stated               that               hoodia               may               cause               potential               harm               to               human               livers,               but               without               published               research               and               more               FDA               investigation               into               whether               or               not               hoodia               is               safe               for               regular               use;               it               is               hard               to               prove               or               disprove               that               hoodia               has               any               effect               on               one's               liver.
               Risk               to               diabetics               -               Hoodia               has               apparently               been               used               for               centuries               in               South               Africa               and               those               who               defend               hoodia's               safety               say               that               if               it               has               been               used               for               centuries               then               it               must               be               safe.

One               theory               on               how               hoodia               works               in               causing               weight               loss               is               that               it               tricks               the               body               into               thinking               that               the               blood               sugar               levels               in               the               body               are               stable               and               sufficient.

Since               diabetics               rely               on               accurate               feedback               from               their               bodies               to               know               when               their               blood               sugar               levels               are               getting               low,               a               diabetic               taking               a               hoodia               extract               could               miss               the               warning               signs               of               dangerously               low               blood               sugar               levels.
               Medication               Interactions               -               Those               who               support               hoodia               as               being               safe               and               effective               claim               that               hoodia               does               not               interfere               with               any               medications.

The               problem               with               this               claim               is               that               there               is               a               lack               of               research               on               drug               interactions               with               something               such               as               hoodia.

If               you               are               taking               any               medications               you               should               use               extreme               caution               before               taking               any               diet               supplement.
               Without               more               research               and               proper               regulation               of               hoodia               extracts,               you               should               use               caution               when               using               any               supplement               containing               hoodia               or               any               other               unproven               extract               or               ingredient.

With               any               supplement               or               drug               those               who               are               pregnant,               nursing,               or               have               a               history               of               liver               or               kidney               disease               should               avoid               taking               hoodia.

Always               talk               to               your               doctor               before               starting               any               kind               of               weight               loss               or               diet               program               or               when               taking               something               that               may               potentially               interfere               with               your               medications               or               cause               health               complications.

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