2013년 11월 24일 일요일

About 'vita vitamins'|Review: SKIN&LAB - Vitamin C plus Brightening Cream

About 'vita vitamins'|Review: SKIN&LAB - Vitamin C plus Brightening Cream

You               can't               throw               a               cat               these               days               without               hitting               a               health               store.

I'm               all               for               trying               to               make               a               buck,               but               does               anyone               but               me               feel               as               though               some               of               the               stuff               they               sell               is               a               little               over               the               top?

I               strolled               in               a               natural               foods               and               supplemental               vitamin               store               a               while               ago               just               to               escape               the               teeny-bopper               crowd               at               the               mall.

Feeling               a               little               self-conscious               by               just               standing               there,               I               began               to               browse               through               the               aisles               and               aisles               of               products.

I               thought               I'd               better               buy               something               so               I               searched               for               a               little               bottle               of               vitamin               C.

Pretty               simple,               huh?
               I               will               say               at               least               I               wasn't               attacked               by               a               bug-eyed,               frothing               store               clerk               eager               to               assist               me               in               any               way.

I               don't               like               that               technique,               and               usually               ask               them               to               go               stand               in               a               corner               until               I               need               them.

I               found               the               vitamin               aisle               (well,               I               should               say               aisles)               and               scanned               the               shelves.
               Is               it               me               or               have               we               come               up               with               a               whole               bunch               of               new               vitamins?

I               remember               learning               about               them               in               school,               but               didn't               they               stop               at               K?

I               swear               I               saw               a               whole               new               frontier               of               stuff               that               it               looks               like               I               should               be               taking               just               to               stay               alive.
               After               locating               the               shelves               holding               the               "C               Group",               I               called               my               pal               over               for               some               advice.

He               had               been               lurking               about               twenty               feet               from               me               and               seemed               happy               that               I               needed               his               assistance.

He               screamed               up               to               me               like               the               Road               Runner               without               the               "beep               beep",               and               asked               how               he               could               help               me.
               I               said               I               just               wanted               a               small               bottle               of               vitamin               C.

He               told               me               I               had               made               a               smart               choice               for               a               starter.


I               stupidly               asked               what               he               meant               by               a               starter.

You               would               have               thought               I               had               just               handed               him               the               keys               to               the               kingdom.

He               absolutely               glowed.
               He               proceeded               to               explain               to               me               about               beginning               a               vitamin               regimen               which               would               be               beneficial               to               my               good               health               and               well-being.

He               could               offer               me               what               he               called               a               "Vita-Pak"               which               targeted               women               of               my               age               and               would               supplement               my               diet.
               This               kid               hadn't               been               talking               more               than               a               few               minutes               and               already               he               had               two               strikes               against               him.

I               suggested               that               unless               he               had               a               death               wish               he               might               consider               removing               two               phrases               from               his               sales               pitch,               women               of               my               age,               and               diet.

After               spewing               a               few               platitudes               and               making               things               worse               by               calling               me               "Madam"               (I               really               wanted               to               run               with               that               one),               I               said               "Just               find               me               the               vitamin               C,               sonny".

Then               I               cackled               a               little.

I               can               do               a               pretty               good               Margaret               Hamilton.
               The               kid               hands               me               a               small               box               of               vitamin               C.

I               immediately               turn               it               over               and               look               at               the               price.

Holy               crap!


SEVEN               BUCKS?

I               looked               at               the               kid               who               seemed               just               as               astonished               as               I               was               and               asked               him               if               I               could               borrow               five               bucks.

The               poor               kid               giggled               nervously               and               suggested               "we"               look               for               something               on               sale.
               I               said               never               mind,               I'd               go               across               the               way               and               get               a               glass               of               orange               juice.

He               said               that               orange               juice               was               good,               but               not               a               continuous               source,               and               I               would               need               more               tomorrow.

I               said               I'd               take               my               chances.
               I               began               wondering               how               I               could               possibly               still               be               alive,               not               knowing               of               all               these               things               good               for               me               and               bad               for               me.

I               decided               I               must               be               walking               a               fine               line               between               life               and               death.

I'd               have               to               investigate               these               natural               food               stores               a               little               more.

It               was               while               I               was               strolling               past               Radio               Shack               that               I               started               to               feel               better               about               my               obviously               inadequate               health               program.

The               guy               on               TV               was               saying               some               poor               sucker               died               of               "natural               causes".
               To               read               more               from               this               sicko               please               click               here

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