2013년 11월 29일 금요일

About 'online supplement stores'|...Many fly shop web sites also include online hatch charts which can inform you..., I have found that supplementing my collection with web-bought ...

About 'online supplement stores'|...Many fly shop web sites also include online hatch charts which can inform you..., I have found that supplementing my collection with web-bought ...

In               Sacramento,               you               can               buy               herbal               extracts               to               support               your               health               at               various               health               food               stores               and               markets               such               as               Elliot's               Natural               Foods,               Sacramento               Natural               Food               Co-op,               Sunrise               Natural               Foods,               and               Whole               Foods               markets.

Some               supermarkets               in               Sacramento               and               Davis               as               well               as               various               ethnic               food               markets               also               may               sell               plant               extracts.

These               plant               extracts               usually               come               in               a               small               bottle               with               an               eyedropper               and               require               only               a               few               drops               put               in               juice               or               other               liquid.

If               you've               wondered               what               the               various               plant               extracts               can               do,               here               are               some               explanations               for               starters               on               the               most               popular               plant               extracts.
               Numerous               companies               make               herbal               extracts.

One               of               the               best               companies               is               a               firm               that               is               a               pioneer               in               herbal               extracts               Bio-Botanica®               which               also               has               partnered               with               Swanson®               to               bring               customers               liquid               herbal               supplements.

Most               of               the               herbal               extracts               are               free               from               alcohol               except               for               the               cayenne               or               celery               seed,               but               in               these               two,               the               alcohol               is               certified               organic.
               Basically,               the               sugar-free               herbal               extracts               are               "holistically               balanced®"               and               produced               through               the               company's               biochelation®               process               that               ensures               consistency               in               each               serving.

Here's               how               the               liquid               herbal               extracts               works               for               various               purposes,               according               to               traditional,               folkloric               medicine.

Research               the               scientific               findings               on               these               herbs               to               see               whether               they               work.

And               only               take               tiny               amounts               because               you               don't               know               which               herbal               extracts               will               thin               your               blood               too               much               if               you're               taking               other               supplements               that               thin               the               blood,               or               interact               with               other               conditions               you               have               or               your               medicines.
               That's               why               when               taking               herbals               used               for               centuries               in               folkloric               medicines,               you               need               to               find               out               first               what               interactions               there               may               be,               whether               you               have               adverse               reactions               to               any               herb,               and               what               the               research               says.
               For               example,               too               much               black               cohosh               has               been               found               to               affect               your               heart               beat               rhythm.

So               do               your               research               on               what               science               has               found               with               these               various               herbs.

Goldenseal               in               some               instances               can               be               toxic.

Never               give               herbal               extracts               to               your               pets               without               first               checking               with               a               holistic               vet               to               see               which               and               in               what               amounts               specific               herbals               are               not               toxic.
               Each               person               responds               as               an               individual               to               any               herb.

Here               are               some               of               the               data               that               the               liquid               herbal               extracts               in               traditional,               folkloric               medicine               are               said               to               support:
               Liquid               Herbal               Extracts

astralagus               root               is               supposed               to               help               protect               the               liver,               nourish               defenses,               and               boost               stamina.

See               Astragalus:               Health               Benefits               and               Side               Effects               of               Taking               Astragalus.

black               cohosh               is               used               for               menopause               symptoms               in               very               small               amounts.

See               Health               Benefits               of               Black               Cohosh               and               Black               Cohosh               -               Health               Benefits               to               Women.

cayenne               liquid               extract               supports               circulatory               &               cardiovascular               health.

See               Side               Effects               of               Cayenne               Pepper.

celery               seed               liquid               is               supposed               to               support               urinary               tract               health.

See               Benefits               Of               Celery               Seed               |               LIVESTRONG.COM

echinacea               liquid               extract               is               supposed               to               support               immunity.

See               Echinacea               Information               -               Side               Effects,               Uses               and               Benefits.

ginko               biloba               in               folk               medicine               is               supposed               to               support               mental               abilities.

See               Download               Ginkgo               Biloba               Health               Benefits.pdf               -               Free               Ebooks               @PDF               Library               and               Health               Benefits               of               Ginkgo               Biloba;               Methods               of               Use               and               Dosages.

goldenseal               root               liquid               extract               is               supposed               to               cleanse.

Read               the               medical               research               on               goldenseal               for               various               immunity               issues               or               as               a               cleanse.

See               Golden               Seal               Root-               Side               Effects               and               Benefits.

green               tea               liquid               extract               contains               150               mg               of               polyphenols               in               each               servings.

You               can               read               up               on               the               benefits               of               polyphenols               in               your               diet.

Compare               the               extract               to               a               cup               of               decaf               green               tea               to               see               which               one               offers               you               more               polyphenols               per               serving.

See               Green               tea               liquid               extract               |               Green               tea               health               benefits.

hawthorn               berry,               leaf,               and               flower               liquid               extract,               supports               cardiovascular               health,               but               be               aware               that               in               rare               instances               there               have               been               cases               of               people               experiencing               a               fast               heart               beat               if               they               have               an               adverse               reaction               to               hawthorn.

But               other               people               seem               to               benefit               from               it               regarding               cardiovascular               support.

See               Hawthorn               Supplement               Health               Benefits               by               Ray               Sahelian,               M.D.

licorice               root               liquid               extract               -               don't               take               this               if               you               have               high               blood               pressure.

But               if               you               don't               it               supports               the               liver,               digestive,               and               respiratory               systems.

See               Licorice               Root               Extract               Uses               |               LIVESTRONG.COM               and               Licorice               Root               -               Side               Effects               and               Benefits.

milk               thistle               liquid               extract-               in               folkloric               medicine,               it's               the               premier               herb               for               liver               support               used               around               the               world.

See               Benefits               Of               Milk               Thistle               Liquid               Extract               |               LIVESTRONG.COM               and               Milk               Thistle:               Benefits               and               Side               Effects.

mullein               leaf               liquid               extract               -               an               anti-inflammatory,               sometimes               used               for               hemorrhoids.

To               check               out               what               it               is               supposed               to               be               used               for,               see               the               sites,               Side               Effects               Of               Mullein               Leaf               |               LIVESTRONG.COM               ,               Mullein               Uses               |               LIVESTRONG.COM               ,               and               Mullein               Leaf               Tea,               Mullein               Extract               Benefit,               Health               Properties               of.

oil               of               oregano               -               an               antioxidant,               anti-inflammatory,               but               always               dilute               it               25               to               1               with               olive               oil.

Don't               put               it               on               your               nose               or               tongue               without               diluting               it               with               water               or               oil               because               it               will               burn               and               sting.

Read               up               on               what               it's               used               for.

Also               see,               Oil               of               Oregano               Health               Benefits.

Always               check               out               the               side               effects               and               benefits               of               any               home               remedy               or               folkloric               herbal.

passion               flower               liquid               extract               -               in               traditional               folkloric               medicine,               passion               flower               has               been               used               in               Europe               to               calm               anxiety,               insomnia,               seizures               and               hysteria.

See               the               sites,               Passionflower:               Uses,               Side               Effects,               Interactions               and               Warnings               -               WebMD,               and               Passion               Flower               -               Anxiety               Treatment               and               Passion               Flower.
               15               .

pau               d'arco               bark               liquid               extract-               According               to               Dr.

Sahelian,               M.D.'s               site,               Pau               D'arco               supplement               extract               health               benefit,               side               effects,               "This               extract               comes               from               trees               located               in               South               America               whose               inner               bark               has               been               used               as               an               analgesic               (pain               reliever),               anti-inflammatory,               anti-cancer,               anti-bacterial,               and               diuretic.
               "Little               research               is               available               in               the               North               American               medical               literature               regarding               the               medicinal               properties               of               pau               d'arco.

At               present               it               is               difficult               to               make               any               clinical               recommendations               with               certainty               regarding               the               medicinal               properties               and               uses               of               this               interesting               plant."               See,               Pau               D'arco               supplement               extract               health               benefit,               side               effects.
               Also               see               the               sites,               Pau               D'arco               supplement               extract               health               benefit,               side               effects,               and               Pau               d'Arco               Benefits               and               Cautions               Explained               in               Detail.

Also               see,               Pau               d'               arco               -               Herbal               Encyclopedia,               and               PAU               D'ARCO:               Uses,               Side               Effects,               Interactions               and               Warnings               -               WebMD.

peppermint               leaf               liquid               extract               -               used               in               traditional               folkloric               medicine               for               digestion               and               gum               ailments.

Peppermint               Leaf               can               help               relax               the               bile               ducts               for               improved               bile               flow               of               this               digestive               fluid.
               Peppermint               Leaf               contains               bio-flavonoids               and               exhibits               antioxidant               activity.

The               herb               can               also               stimulate               a               sluggish               liver               or               gallbladder               into               performing               its               functions               in               a               more               effective               manner.

It               also               helps               to               combat               indigestion.

For               more               information               see,               the               Web               MD               site,               "Peppermint."
               Peppermint               is               used               for               the               common               cold,               cough,               inflammation               of               the               mouth               and               throat,               sinus               infections,               and               respiratory               infections,               according               to               the               Web               MD               site.

It               is               also               used               for               digestive               problems               including               heartburn,               nausea,               vomiting,               morning               sickness,               irritable               bowel               syndrome               (IBS),               cramps               of               the               upper               gastrointestinal               (GI)               tract               and               bile               ducts,               upset               stomach,               diarrhea,               bacterial               overgrowth               of               the               small               intestine,               and               gas.
               Some               people               also               use               peppermint               for               menstrual               problems,               liver               and               gallbladder               complaints,               and               as               a               stimulant.

Peppermint               oil               is               applied               to               the               skin               for               headache,               muscle               pain,               nerve               pain,               toothache,               inflammation               of               the               mouth,               joint               conditions,               itchiness,               allergic               rash,               bacterial               and               viral               infections,               relaxing               the               colon               during               barium               enemas,               and               for               repelling               mosquitoes.

For               more               information,               also               see               the               Peppermint               Leaf               Benefits               site.

Some               people               inhale               a               tiny               bit               of               the               aroma               of               peppermint               oil               for               treating               symptoms               of               cough               and               colds,               and               as               a               painkiller,               as               it's               used               in               aromatherapy.
               Never               put               peppermint               oil               up               your               nose               or               in               any               orifices.

Some               people               rub               peppermint               oil               on               their               hands               to               repel               insects.

But               be               careful               to               not               spread               this               strong               oil               on               large               areas               of               your               skin               because               it's               quickly               absorbed               into               your               pores.

red               clover               tops               liquid               extract.

This               tonic               has               been               used               in               historic               times               to               treat               cancer,               respiratory               problems,               skin               problems               and               whooping               cough.

Today,               in               addition               to               containing               vitamins               like               vitamin               C               and               potassium,               the               isoflavones               of               this               plant               are               being               studied               regarding               the               herb's               ability               to               improve               health.
               Before               you               consume               red               clover               tops,               ask               your               doctor               whether               it               is               safe               for               you               to               use,               as               people               with               a               history               of               certain               cancers               or               who               are               taking               certain               medications               should               avoid               this               herb.

See               more               information               on               red               clover               tops               liquid               extract               at               the               site,               What               Are               The               Benefits               Of               Red               Clover               Tops?

|               LIVESTRONG.COM.

red               panax               ginseng               liquid               extract               -               used               in               traditional               Asian,               Siberian,               and               Russian               historic               folkoric               medicine               for               improving               vitality               and               increasing               immune               system               activity.

But               make               sure               you               don't               get               panic               attacks               from               ginseng.
               Check               out               the               site,               What               Is               The               Health               Benefit               Of               Red               Panax               Ginseng?

|               LIVESTRONG.COM.

Talk               to               your               health               care               professional               if               you               have               any               chronic               condition               related               to               impairment               of               your               immune               system               before               using               red               panax               ginseng.

reishi               mushroom               liquid               extract               -               supports               your               immune               system               and               your               body's               defense.

In               traditional               medicine,               reishi               mushrooms               were               used               to               boost               the               immune               system.

See               the               sites,               Questions               &               Answers               |               Guide               to               Reishi               Mushrooms,               and               10               Health               Benefits               of               Reishi               Mushrooms               |               AstroNutrition.

Also               see,               Studies               show               reishi               mushrooms               benefit               people               stricken               with               a               variety               of               ailments.

saw               palmetto               liquid               extract               -               traditionally               used               to               support               the               prostate.

But               read               the               medical               studies               to               see               whether               it               works               for               men               with               prostate               issues.

Also               see,               Saw               palmetto:               MedlinePlus               Supplements,               SAW               PALMETTO:               Uses,               Side               Effects,               Interactions               and               Warnings               -               WebMD,               and               Saw               palmetto               doesn't               help               enlarged               prostate               symptoms.

stinging               nettles               leaf               liquid               extract               -               promotes               kidney               and               urinary               tract               health.

For               more               information               see,               Stinging               Nettle               by               Ray               Sahelian,               M.D.,               benefit               for               allergy,               prostate,               Eight               Health               Benefits               of               Stinging               Nettle               |               Healthmad,               Stinging               nettle,               and               Stinging               Nettle               -               Benefits               and               Side               Effects.


John's               wort               liquid               extract               -               in               folkloric               medicine,               traditionally               used               for               helping               depression.

It               is               most               commonly               used,               due               to               its               anti-depressant               and               sedative               properties,               to               treat               milder               forms               of               depression               and               anxiety.

See,               St.

Johns               Wort               -               Health               Product               Reviews,               St.

John's               Wort               for               depression,               side               effects               by               Ray               Sahelian,               M.D.

,               and               St               Johns               Wort               Dosage.

valerian               root               liquid               extract               -               in               traditional,               folkloric               herbal               medicine,               valerian               root               has               been               used               to               calm               anxiety               and               encourage               sleep.

See,               Natural               Anxiety               Treatment               -               Valerian               Root               Extract               |               Health               Talk               and               Valerian               Root:               Benefits               and               Side               Effects               Of               This               Natural               Sleep               Aid.

artichoke               liquid               extract               -               Dr.

Oz               featured               the               health               benefits               of               artichoke               liquid               extract               for               helping               to               lower               cholesterol.

Check               out               the               information               on               artichoke               extract,               Herbal               Healers:               Artichoke               Extract,               Pt               1.

|               The               Dr.

Oz               Show.

Also               see,               Dr.

Oz               Artichoke               Extract               |               Reduce               Cholesterol               With               Artichoke               Leaf               Tea,               and               Dr               Oz               Artichoke               Extract               &               Artichoke               Leaf               Tea               for               Digestion.

See,               The               Herbalist:               Artichoke               Extract               -               Great               for               Fat               Digestion.

Oz               recently               had               a               show               touting               the               benefits               of               taking               artichoke               leaf               extract               for               better               digestion               and               to               emulsify               fats,               thereby               reducing               gas               and               bloating.

He               also               talked               about               how               other               digestive               disorders               such               as               irritable               bowel               could               be               helped               with               Artichoke               extract.

Check               out               more               information               on               artichoke               liquid               extract,               Health               benefits               Artichoke               Extract               Herbal               Remedy-Studies,               health.
               Three               New               Studies               on               Nutrition               from               the               The               Endocrine               Society's               93rd               Annual               Meeting,               June               6               -               11,               2011
               Three               new               topics               in               the               latest               nutrition               news               has               found               the               following               results,               according               to               the               latest               studies               reported               in               June               6,               2011               news               releases               on               nutrition:               High               amounts               of               the               hormone               leptin               are               linked               to               decreased               depression.
               Women               who               have               higher               levels               of               the               appetite-controlling               hormone               leptin               have               fewer               symptoms               of               depression,               and               this               apparent               inverse               relationship               is               not               related               to               body               mass               index               (BMI),               a               new               study               finds.

Today,               on               Monday,               June               6,               2011,               the               results               will               be               presented               at               The               Endocrine               Society's               93rd               Annual               Meeting               in               Boston.
               Yo-yo               dieting               appears               to               be               healthier               than               lifelong               obesity.

A               new               study               comparing               lifelong               obesity               with               the               weight               fluctuations               of               "yo-yo               dieting"               suggests               it               is               better               to               attempt               to               lose               weight               despite               repeated               failures               at               keeping               the               weight               off               than               to               not               diet               and               remain               obese.

The               results               will               be               presented               today,               Monday,               June               6,               2011,               at               The               Endocrine               Society's               93rd               Annual               Meeting               in               Boston.
               Intravenous               nutrition               in               critically               ill               patients               should               be               delayed,               study               finds.

Patients               in               the               intensive               care               unit               who               do               not               tolerate               adequate               nutrition               from               tube               feeding               should               wait               a               week               before               receiving               intravenous               (IV)               feeding               because,               compared               with               early               IV               feeding,               it               enhances               recovery               from               critical               illness.

Results               of               a               new               multicenter               study               from               Belgium               will               be               presented               next               Saturday,               July               11,               2011,               at               The               Endocrine               Society's               93rd               Annual               Meeting               in               Boston.

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