2013년 11월 23일 토요일

About 'vitamin complex'|Vitamin B Complex (3)

About 'vitamin complex'|Vitamin B Complex (3)

I               am               a               firm               proponent               of               taking               extra               vitamin               C,               especially               during               the               cold               and               flu               season,               which               is               now               upon               us               here               in               Alaska.

My               daycare               children               have               been               sick               for               the               past               two               weeks!

They               have               had               the               stomach               flu,               sinus               and               ear               infections,               bronchitis               and               colds.

Knock               on               wood,               I               have               not               succumbed               to               it               yet,               but               I               am               doing               my               part               to               keep               my               immune               system               in               peak               performance,               and               part               of               that               routine               includes               taking               several               American               Health               vitamin               C               tabs               every               day.

I               don't               like               to               swallow               pills,               so               whenever               I               can               take               the               same               product               in               a               chewable               form               I               opt               to               do               so.

I've               tried               many               different               brands               of               chewable               vitamin               C               over               the               years,               and               some               of               those               orange               colored               vitamins               taste               pretty               bad.

Our               family               found               a               favorite               brand               a               few               years               ago,               and               we've               only               been               able               to               find               it               in               the               Health               Food               section               of               our               local               grocery               store.

It               is               made               by               American               Health,               and               the               tablets               are               large,               almost               like               a               wafer.

They               are               1"               in               diameter,               and               instead               of               having               that               tell               tale               orange               color,               they               are               actually               light               tan               colored.
               They               normally               come               in               a               tub               of               250               wafers,               but               I               was               lucky               to               get               a               bonus               sized               tub               holding               300.

The               container               is               very               large,               which               poses               a               problem               for               storage               -               it's               too               large               to               put               in               any               of               my               medicine               cabinets,               so               it               has               to               go               in               my               food               cupboard.

It               measures               8.5"               tall               and               4"               wide.

I               like               the               extra               wide               mouth,               which               measures               2.5"               in               diameter;               it               makes               removing               the               wafers               much               easier.
               The               front               of               the               container               claims               that               these               are               natural               vitamin               C               wafers,               and               they               contain               a               whopping               500               mg               per               wafer.

They               also               claim               to               promote               immune               system               health,               give               antioxidant               support,               and               say               they               are               a               vegetarian               formula               with               a               natural               berry               taste.
               The               back               label               claims               that               the               company               has               received               awards               for               "best               taste",               and               I               see               why.

These               are               really               tasty!

They               remind               me               of               the               sweet               tart               candies.

Not               too               sweet               and               not               real               sour,               just               the               right               blend               of               flavors.

They               do               have               a               berry               taste               as               well,               which               I               much               prefer               over               the               artificial               orange               taste               of               so               many               chewable               vitamin               C               pills.
               They               are               free               of               yeast,               milk,               lactose,               preservatives,               soy               and               sodium.
               Supplement               Facts*               
               *               Per               1               wafer:
               Calories:               15               
               Carbs:               3g               
               Sugars:               3g               
               Vitamin               C:               500mg               
               Acerola:               5mg               
               Citrus               bioflavinoids:               2mg               
               Buckwheat               flour:               19mg               
               Rutin:               2mg               
               Hesperidin               complex:               2mg
               Other               Ingredients:               Sucrose,               corn               syrup,               sorbitol,               vegetable               magnesium               stearate,               raspberry               flavor,               glycerin,               silica,               raspberry               puree,               caramel               color,               black               currant               extract,               green               pepper               extract.
               About               the               Ingredients               
               Rutin               is               a               bioflavonoids,               and               a               member               of               the               vitamin               P               family.

It's               said               to               have               antioxidant,               anti-inflammatory,               antiviral,               antiallergenic,               and               even               anti-carcinogenic               properties.

Rutin               contains               50%               of               quercetin,               a               product               that               I               take               successfully               for               my               seasonal               hayfever               allergies.
               Hesperidan               is               another               bioflavonoid,               and               it               is               thought               to               aid               in               proper               functioning               of               capillaries               and               blood               vessels.
               Buckwheat               is               a               rich               source               of               rutin.
               We               love               these               vitamin               C               wafers!

One               wafer               a               day               provides               833%               of               the               USDA               Daily               Value,               and               the               vitamin               C               is               sourced               from               ascorbic               acid               and               rosehips.

I               love               how               natural               they               are,               and               the               added               raspberry               and               black               currant               flavors               really               make               these               taste               quite               good.

I               find               it               interesting               that               American               Health               displays               a               picture               of               bing               cherries               on               the               front               of               the               label,               since               there               are               no               cherry               flavors               in               this               product.

I               guess               they               just               want               to               show               they               are               "berry"               flavored.
               I               give               them               to               my               daycare               children               when               they               have               colds,               and               out               of               seven               kids               that               I               care               for,               all               but               one               loves               them.

They               do               contain               sugar,               but               some               sweetener               is               needed               to               make               them               palatable,               since               they               are               chewable.

The               benefits               far               outweigh               any               concerns.

Still,               if               you               are               on               a               sugar               restricted               diet               with               diabetes               or               any               other               such               health               condition,               please               do               use               caution               with               a               product               like               this.
               The               container               does               have               a               tamper               resistant               seal               that               is               easy               to               remove,               and               when               first               opened               I               find               these               wafers               softer               than               when               they've               been               sitting               around               for               a               month.

They               are               to               be               stored               in               a               cool,               dry               place,               but               I               don't               really               have               a               cool               place               to               store               them,               so               maybe               that               is               part               of               the               problem.
               These               vitamin               C               wafers               are               very               expensive,               retailing               around               $25.00               for               the               250               count               container               (and               I               have               never               seen               them               packaged               in               a               smaller               bottle).

I               look               for               sales,               and               picked               up               my               last               bottle               for               $19.99.

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