2013년 11월 24일 일요일

About 'nutrients supplements'|Nutrient Supplements Are a Must to Protect Your Health

About 'nutrients supplements'|Nutrient Supplements Are a Must to Protect Your Health

               According               to               estimates               by               the               National               Cancer               Institute               more               than               240,000               new               cases               of               prostate               cancer               will               be               diagnosed               during               2011,               33,720               of               which               will               result               in               death.

If               this               statistic               holds               true               prostate               cancer               would               surpass               breast               cancer               as               the               most               common               cancer,               excluding               non-melanoma               skin               cancers.
               The               prostate               is               a               small               walnut-sized               gland               that               wraps               around               the               urethra.

It               is               part               of               the               male               reproductive               system               and               responsible               for               secreting               the               seminal               fluid               that               nourishes,               transports               and               protects               sperm.
               Prostate               cancer               is               cancer               that               originates               in               the               prostate               gland.

If               prostate               cancer               is               detected               early               and               before               it               spreads,               chances               of               successful               treatment               increase.
               The               most               common               methods               of               prostate               cancer               detection               are               a               digital               rectal               exam               and               prostate-specific               antigen               (PSA)               test               -               though               the               PSA               test               has               recently               come               under               fire               as               being               inaccurate.

If               an               abnormality               is               detected,               your               doctor               may               recommend               further               testing,               such               as               ultrasound               or               biopsy.
               Interest               in               vitamin               E               as               a               potential               prostate               cancer               preventative               nutrient               increased               when               several               small               studies               found               association               between               vitamin               E               intake               and               reduced               risk               of               prostate               cancer.

However,               findings               from               a               large-scale               study               published               in               the               Journal               of               the               American               Medical               Association               contradict               previous               studies.

In               fact,               this               study               indicates               taking               a               vitamin               E               supplement               may               increase               prostate               cancer               risk               by               17               percent.
               The               report               should               prompt               dietary               supplement               users               to               be               cautious,               but               don't               throw               out               your               supplements               just               yet.

Two               aspects               of               this               study               shed               doubt               about               the               accuracy               of               the               study               findings,               namely               the               supplement               form               used               and               that               conclusions               were               based               on               using               a               single               antioxidant.
               Scientists               administered               the               synthetic               form               of               vitamin               E               (all               rac-α-tocopheryl               acetate)               instead               of               the               natural               forms               (d-alpha               tocopherol,               d-alpha               tocopheryl               acetate,               or               d-alpha               tocopheryl               succinate)               during               the               study               period.

The               form               used               is               a               concern               because               alpha-tocopherol               is               more               biologically               active               and               absorbable               than               synthetic               vitamin               E.
               A               chemical               difference               between               the               numbers               of               isomers               may               make               synthetic               vitamin               E,               also               called               dl-alpha-tocopherol,               less               effective               and               usable               by               your               body.

               Secondly,               taking               only               one               single               antioxidant               is               not               only               unwise,               but               could               potentially               be               dangerous               -               as               noted               in               this               study.

Antioxidants               work               synergistically               as               a               team,               with               one               recharging               or               rejuvenating               the               other               through               the               process               of               electron               donation.

Simply               put               you               need               to               take               a               combination               of               antioxidants               for               any               one               to               be               effective.

               Think               of               it               as               the               united               efforts               between               the               battery               in               your               cell               phone               and               your               charger               to               keep               your               phone               operating               properly.

Without               the               charger,               the               phone               battery               becomes               ineffective               and               provides               no               benefit               to               the               phone.

While               without               the               battery               the               charger               is               rendered               useless.

In               fact,               alone,               either               component               effectively               causes               harm,               as               the               phone               no               longer               has               power               to               function               as               designed.

               Rather               than               discard               your               dietary               supplements,               instead               read               labels               carefully               to               make               sure               you               are               getting               natural               and               bioactive               forms               of               nutrients               combined               with               other               beneficial               nutrients.

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