레이블이 Vitamin B인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Vitamin B인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 12월 4일 수요일

About 'vitamin b energy'|Bee Pollen and B Vitamins - Who Else Wants More Energy

About 'vitamin b energy'|Bee Pollen and B Vitamins - Who Else Wants More Energy

Feeling               sluggish               day               after               day?

Rather               than               turn               to               chemical               or               sugar-laden               energy               boosters,               why               not               try               nature's               energy               boosters?

In               no               particular               order,               the               following               are               five               great               foods               to               eat               for               their               high-energy               benefits.

               Containing               vitamin               b,               this               food               is               a               low               glycemic               index               food               that               keeps               you               feeling               energized               for               a               long               period               of               time.

One               cup               of               oatmeal               contains               145               calories               and               only               2               grams               of               fat.
               The               antioxidants               and               fiber               in               apples               helps               create               a               natural               energy               boost               for               the               body.

One               medium               apple               contains               65               calories               and               no               fat.

Apples               are               also               credited               with               elevated               mood.
               One               medium               banana               contains               27               grams               of               carbohydrates               that               are               easily               digested               by               the               body               and               then               turned               into               energy.

The               potassium               in               bananas               provides               nerve               and               muscle               benefits               for               athletes               who               consume               the               fruit               for               energy.

One               medium               banana               also               contains               less               than               one               gram               of               fat               and               105               calories.
               The               carbs               and               low               fat               in               yogurt               help               create               a               quick               and               healthy               way               to               get               an               energy               boost               during               the               day.

Calories               and               fat               vary               depending               on               variety               of               yogurt.
               The               omega-3               and               omega-6               in               almonds               give               you               a               mental               boost               of               energy               for               increased               alertness.

The               magnesium               in               almonds               helps               the               body               create               energy               from               sugar.

12               raw               almonds               contain               83               calories               and               7               grams               of               fat.
               Things               to               Consider
               When               choosing               foods               for               an               energy               boost               its               important               to               keep               a               few               facts               in               mind:
               Dehydration               leads               to               feelings               of               fatigue.

Its               important               to               keep               well-hydrated               in               order               to               feel               energetic.

Be               sure               to               drink               plenty               of               water               each               day.
               Vitamin               B               and               Iron               are               both               energy-givers.

Foods               rich               in               either               are               helpful               in               the               quest               for               a               natural               energy               boost.
               Excessive               amounts               of               sugar               and               caffeine               may               offer               a               temporary               energy               boost,               but               they               come               with               a               price,               as               well.

That               price               is               a               serious               'crash               and               burn'               depletion               of               energy               later.

Opt               for               better               sources               of               energy               boosts.
               Eating               breakfast               really               does               make               a               difference.

Keeping               blood               sugar               levels               even               through               out               the               day,               and               starting               off               the               day               with               a               balanced               meal               are               great               ways               to               get               and               keep               energy.

Studies               have               shown               that               eating               breakfast               can               help               elevate               mood,               too.
               Foods               That               Boost               Energy.

Kelly               Bastone.

Runner's               World.

March               1,               2007.

               11               Energy-Boosting               Snacks.

Lisa               Kovalovich.

Fitness               Magazine.

December               2005.

               Energy               boosting               foods:               these               10               foods               will               keep               your               motor               revving               all               day               and               all               night.

Men's               Fitness.

May               2003.

               Energy               Foods               Slideshow:               A               Diet               to               Boost               Your               Mood               &               Energy               Level.



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      ...nervous system. They help bring relaxation and energy to those who are stressed out and fatigued. B vitamins are also important to the health...
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      ... a person's energy is carbohydrates, or sugar - George 4) All B vitamins increase your energy metabolism. - snuffles 5) Maybe...if there's a deficiency disorder involving...
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      Vitamin B12 For More Energy! Dr. Oz will be starting his 3rd season... (from her hubby) to get her fill of this vitamin . Like a lot of women, Mrs. Oz figured...
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      ...to good metabolism. Ashitaba also contains B 12, which is normally produced...other land based green plants. Vitamin B12 has been recognized...
      ... adults to stay focused and productive. It’s packed with b-vitamins for energy and amino acids for alertness…
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    2013년 11월 25일 월요일

    About 'vitamin b food sources'|B-Vitamins – Energy and Much More!

    About 'vitamin b food sources'|B-Vitamins – Energy and Much More!

    Vitamin               E               has               a               variety               of               positive               benefits               when               consumed               naturally               through               diet,               but,               according               to               new               research,               there               could               be               risks               associated               with               taking               vitamin               E               in               supplemental               form.

    Vitamin               E               is               believed               to               be               an               antioxidant               vitamin               that               helps               to               reduce               damage               to               cells               related               to               oxidation               -               but               even               that               has               come               under               debate               recently               with               some               experts               questioning               whether               or               not               vitamin               E               truly               is               an               antioxidant.

    It's               not               even               clear               exactly               what               roles               vitamin               E               plays               in               the               body,               but               it's               believed               to               contribute               to               immune               function               as               well               as               prevent               abnormal               blood               clotting.

    It's               rare               that               a               person               is               deficient               in               vitamin               E,               but               some               people               take               supplemental               doses               of               vitamin               E               in               hopes               of               preventing               heart               disease               and               other               chronic               medical               problems.

    According               to               new               research,               this               may               not               be               a               good               idea.
                   The               Risks               of               Taking               Vitamin               E:               What               New               Research               Shows
                   Researchers               at               the               Tel               Aviv               University               reviewed               a               number               of               studies               looking               at               the               health               benefits               and               risks               of               vitamin               E.

    After               poring               over               the               studies               and               carefully               analyzing               them,               they               came               to               the               conclusion               that               people               who               took               a               vitamin               E               supplement               enjoyed               fewer               quality               adjusted               life               years               than               those               who               didn't.

    This               basically               means               that               they               experienced               fewer               disability-free               years               than               those               who               didn't               take               vitamin               E               supplements.

    Other               studies               have               also               shown               risks               associated               with               taking               vitamin               E.

    One               Finnish               study               showed               that               taking               vitamin               E               supplements               increased               the               risk               of               hemorrhagic               stroke,               while               another               found               a               higher               risk               of               lung               cancer               in               smokers               who               took               vitamin               E               supplements.
                   The               Risk               of               Vitamin               E               May               Not               Apply               to               Everyone
                   On               the               other               hand,               researchers               believe               that               there               may               be               sub-populations               of               people               who               may               benefit               from               vitamin               E               supplements,               but               it's               not               clear               who               will               and               will               not               benefit               from               taking               vitamin               E               at               this               point.

    To               add               to               the               confusion,               vitamin               E               actually               comes               in               eight               different               forms               -               four               in               the               form               of               tocopherols               and               four               in               the               form               of               tocotrienols.

    Most               commercial               vitamin               E               supplements               contain               only               tocopherols,               whereas               there's               some               research               to               suggest               that               it's               actually               the               tocotrienols               that               have               the               greatest               health               benefits.
                   The               Risks               of               Taking               Vitamin               E:               Food               Sources               are               Best
                   With               so               much               concern               about               the               safety               of               taking               vitamin               E               in               supplement               form,               the               best               way               to               get               vitamin               E               is               through               natural               food               sources.

    The               best               sources               of               this               vitamin               are               nuts,               sunflower               seeds,               leafy               vegetables,               wheat               germs,               and               vegetable               oils.

    When               you               get               vitamin               E               naturally               from               foods               it's               healthier               because               you're               not               getting               it               in               an               isolated               form,               but               are               benefiting               from               the               synergy               of               other               vitamins               and               nutrients               found               in               the               food.
                   Risk               of               Vitamin               E               Supplements:               The               Bottom               Line
                   Vitamin               E               supplements               won't               necessarily               benefit               everyone,               and               there               may               be               risks               to               taking               it               long               term.

    Until               more               research               comes               available,               stick               with               getting               vitamin               E               through               diet.

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      ...vitamins you get from food, the better your overall balance of your B vitamin intake will be even for... 2 of the best sources for all the B vitamins...
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