2013년 12월 4일 수요일

About 'vitamin b energy'|Bee Pollen and B Vitamins - Who Else Wants More Energy

About 'vitamin b energy'|Bee Pollen and B Vitamins - Who Else Wants More Energy

Feeling               sluggish               day               after               day?

Rather               than               turn               to               chemical               or               sugar-laden               energy               boosters,               why               not               try               nature's               energy               boosters?

In               no               particular               order,               the               following               are               five               great               foods               to               eat               for               their               high-energy               benefits.

               Containing               vitamin               b,               this               food               is               a               low               glycemic               index               food               that               keeps               you               feeling               energized               for               a               long               period               of               time.

One               cup               of               oatmeal               contains               145               calories               and               only               2               grams               of               fat.
               The               antioxidants               and               fiber               in               apples               helps               create               a               natural               energy               boost               for               the               body.

One               medium               apple               contains               65               calories               and               no               fat.

Apples               are               also               credited               with               elevated               mood.
               One               medium               banana               contains               27               grams               of               carbohydrates               that               are               easily               digested               by               the               body               and               then               turned               into               energy.

The               potassium               in               bananas               provides               nerve               and               muscle               benefits               for               athletes               who               consume               the               fruit               for               energy.

One               medium               banana               also               contains               less               than               one               gram               of               fat               and               105               calories.
               The               carbs               and               low               fat               in               yogurt               help               create               a               quick               and               healthy               way               to               get               an               energy               boost               during               the               day.

Calories               and               fat               vary               depending               on               variety               of               yogurt.
               The               omega-3               and               omega-6               in               almonds               give               you               a               mental               boost               of               energy               for               increased               alertness.

The               magnesium               in               almonds               helps               the               body               create               energy               from               sugar.

12               raw               almonds               contain               83               calories               and               7               grams               of               fat.
               Things               to               Consider
               When               choosing               foods               for               an               energy               boost               its               important               to               keep               a               few               facts               in               mind:
               Dehydration               leads               to               feelings               of               fatigue.

Its               important               to               keep               well-hydrated               in               order               to               feel               energetic.

Be               sure               to               drink               plenty               of               water               each               day.
               Vitamin               B               and               Iron               are               both               energy-givers.

Foods               rich               in               either               are               helpful               in               the               quest               for               a               natural               energy               boost.
               Excessive               amounts               of               sugar               and               caffeine               may               offer               a               temporary               energy               boost,               but               they               come               with               a               price,               as               well.

That               price               is               a               serious               'crash               and               burn'               depletion               of               energy               later.

Opt               for               better               sources               of               energy               boosts.
               Eating               breakfast               really               does               make               a               difference.

Keeping               blood               sugar               levels               even               through               out               the               day,               and               starting               off               the               day               with               a               balanced               meal               are               great               ways               to               get               and               keep               energy.

Studies               have               shown               that               eating               breakfast               can               help               elevate               mood,               too.
               Foods               That               Boost               Energy.

Kelly               Bastone.

Runner's               World.

March               1,               2007.

               11               Energy-Boosting               Snacks.

Lisa               Kovalovich.

Fitness               Magazine.

December               2005.

               Energy               boosting               foods:               these               10               foods               will               keep               your               motor               revving               all               day               and               all               night.

Men's               Fitness.

May               2003.

               Energy               Foods               Slideshow:               A               Diet               to               Boost               Your               Mood               &               Energy               Level.



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      ...nervous system. They help bring relaxation and energy to those who are stressed out and fatigued. B vitamins are also important to the health...
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      ...supplement or energy drink ... B vitamins as the miracle... for “energy drinks... get your B vitamins from food, not...
    3. vitaminsspringvalley.blogspot.com/   01/15/2012
      ... More Energy? Bee Pollen and B Vitamins - Who Else Wants...the other bee pollen B vitamin's is exquisite for boosting energy levels and...
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      ... a person's energy is carbohydrates, or sugar - George 4) All B vitamins increase your energy metabolism. - snuffles 5) Maybe...if there's a deficiency disorder involving...
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      Vitamin B12 For More Energy! Dr. Oz will be starting his 3rd season... (from her hubby) to get her fill of this vitamin . Like a lot of women, Mrs. Oz figured...
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      ...to good metabolism. Ashitaba also contains B 12, which is normally produced...other land based green plants. Vitamin B12 has been recognized...
      ... adults to stay focused and productive. It’s packed with b-vitamins for energy and amino acids for alertness…
      ...2,400 IU’s daily of this very important vitamin. B Vitamins are also very important for your health. They are intimately involved in the energy metabolism…

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    2013년 12월 3일 화요일

    About 'multivitamin dietary supplement'|Contaminated Dietary Supplements at Health Food Stores

    About 'multivitamin dietary supplement'|Contaminated Dietary Supplements at Health Food Stores

    Your               liver               is               a               football               sized               organ               that               is               located               on               the               right               side               of               your               abdomen.

    If               your               liver               does               not               function               properly,               you               can't               process               nutrients,               rid               your               body               of               toxic               chemicals,               or               digest               food.

    The               liver               also               is               the               main               organ               used               in               the               processing               of               any               medications               you               may               take.

    The               liver               is               also               used               by               the               body               to               store               some               vitamins,               minerals               and               sugars.

    Basically,               a               non               functioning               liver               equals               death,               so               it               is               very               important               to               maintain               a               healthy               diet               and               monitor               your               intake               of               certain               vitamins               if               you               have               liver               problems.

    Vitamin               C
                   Vitamin               C               is               an               antioxidant               that               assists               the               liver               in               its               detoxification               the               body,               as               well               as               reducing               any               inflammation               of               the               liver               that               may               be               present.

    Vitamin               C               is               not               stored               in               the               body,               so               it               is               important               to               have               it               included               in               your               diet               daily.

    Citrus               fruits               and               green               peppers               are               a               good               dietary               source               of               Vitamin               C,               and               it               is               available               as               a               dietary               supplement               on               its               own               or               as               part               of               a               multivitamin.
                   The               B               Complex               Vitamins
                   The               B               Complex               group               of               vitamins               are               important               for               many               bodily               functions,               not               the               least               those               of               the               liver.

    Vitamin               B3,               or               niacin,               assists               the               liver               in               its               digestive               functions,               and               has               a               role               in               the               energy               production               of               cells,               including               liver               cells.

    Vitamin               B9,               or               folic               acid,               aids               in               cell               repair.

    These               vitamins               are               present               in               most               cereals,               and               in               over               the               counter               multivitamins.
                   Vitamin               K
                   While               Vitamin               k               deficiency               is               rare,               it               often               occurs               in               people               with               liver               problems.

    Vitamin               K               is               necessary               for               the               liver               to               produce               blood               clotting               factors,               which               are               essential               for               good               health.

    Green,               leafy               vegetables,               such               as               spinach,               kale,               and               romaine               lettuce               are               good               sources               of               vitamin               K.
                   Vitamin               A
                   While               Vitamin               A               is               an               important               part               of               basic               nutrition,               it               is               toxic               to               the               liver               in               large               doses.

    Therefore,               it               is               important               for               those               with               liver               problems               to               monitor               their               intake               of               this               vitamin               and               to               avoid               over               the               counter               vitamin               supplements               which               have               "mega               doses"               of               vitamin               A.
                   Vitamin               E
                   Vitamin               E,               like               Vitamin               C,               is               an               antioxidant.

    Vitamin               E               helps               the               liver               with               detoxification.

    It               also               is               toxic               to               the               liver               in               large               doses,               so               high               intake               of               this               vitamin               should               be               avoided               if               you               have               liver               problems.

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      ... Vitamin A - Multivitamin condition Guide - What Are Dietary Supplements?. Which is...in: condition , Dietary , Multivitamin , Supplements
    2. gbgcomparedtootherliquidmultivitamins.wordpress.com/   06/01/2010
      ... types of levels up most of us ought to have a dietary supplement just like gbg 10 in one multivitamin for you to get that level of way up exactly where that goes to...
    3. iehealth.blogspot.com/   10/13/2011
      ... taking multivitamins don't live longer... that common dietary supplements would be beneficial in prevention...
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      Dietary supplement. Enhanced multivitamin for men designed to support healthy prostate; healthy heart. Now with lycopene...
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    About 'buy vitamin b'|Can B Vitamins Slow the Rate of Age-Related Dementia

    About 'buy vitamin b'|Can B Vitamins Slow the Rate of Age-Related Dementia

    Have               you               ever               gotten               something               simply               because               you               had               a               coupon               for               it               for               free?

    Yet               you               know               that               this               was               something               that               you               would               never               buy               on               your               own               with               your               own               money?

    I               do.

    I               do               this               often               and               it               is               only               because               Bath               and               Body               Works               provides               me               with               a               coupon               for               something               for               free               every               single               time               I               go               shopping,               whether               it               be               $10.00               off               of               my               order,               or               a               free               body               wash,               I               usually               always               redeem               my               free               goods,               simply               because               I               feel               I               deserve               them.
                   My               last               coupon               from               Bath               7               Body               works               was               for               a               free               item               from               their               newest               line               of               hair               products               C.O               Bigelow.

    The               coupon               said               I               could               have               anything               for               free               from               the               line,               but               the               catch               was               I               could               not               buy               something               over               $12.00.


    so               that               left               me               with               1               choice,               seriously               1               choice.

    C.O               Bigelow's               Mentha               Body               Vitamin               Wash.
                   I'll               say               this,               I               was               a               tad               disappointed               because               everything               else               in               the               line               was               nearly               $30.00               and               this               body               wash               smelled               like               spearmint               gum               mixed               with               sugar.

    It               wasn't               a               nasty               scent,               but               minty               scents               in               the               shower               have               never               been               my               personal               favorites,               and               besides,               I               already               had               a               few               mint               washes,               so               I               felt               I               didn't               need               another.

    But               seeing               how               it               was               free...well               yah               know...I               had               to               redeem.
                   C.O               Bigelow's               Mentha               wash               comes               in               a               spearmint               green               stand               up               tube               and               is               filled               with               8               ounces               of               gel.

    I               knew               that               it               was               not               something               I               would               regularly               buy,               but               what               surprised               me               most               about               this               new               line               was               it's               bland               labels.

    Nothing               special,               or               even               eye               catching.
                   I               put               my               Mentha               wash               to               use               the               next               day,               by               adding               a               few               squirts               of               the               gel               into               my               bath               poof.

    The               spearmint               scent               opened               up               my               nasal               passage               in               an               almost               instant,               and               I               was               overwhelmed               with               the               scent               of               gum.

    It               was               sort               of               nasty,               and               washing               with               toothpaste               scents               are               not               my               idea               of               a               nice               relaxing               shower.

    Any               more               mint               added               in               this               one               and               my               eyes               would               be               burning.
                   It               did               not               take               long               for               a               lather               to               appear               as               I               began               to               rub               the               gel               into               my               skin.

    The               lather               was               nice,               I               must               say,               thick,               creamy               and               silky               feeling               all               in               one,               the               scent               however               got               too               minty               and               it               was               all               I               could               bear               before               rinsing               off.

    The               wash               left               my               skin               feeling               a               cool               tingly               sensation,               this               is               what               I               expected               though,               besides,               what               mint               wash               doesn't               leave               you               with               a               cool               tingly               sensation.

    It's               like               toothpaste               for               your               skin.

                   My               skin               felt               moisturized               and               silky               after               drying               up,               so               that               was               a               plus.

    I               could               also               still               smell               the               mint               scent               on               my               skin               for               a               few               moments               after               that,               thankfully               though               the               overpowering               mint               scent               died               down               quite               a               few               notches               making               the               scent               more               bearing.
                   My               skin               remained               hydrated               for               quite               some               time,               but               son               after               it               began               to               feel               extremely               dry.

    I               looked               down               at               my               legs               and               sure               enough               they               were               so               dry               it               looked               as               if               I               was               going               to               crack.

    My               skin               does               not               normally               do               this,               so               I               knew               the               mint               wash               was               the               culprit.

    I               had               to               use               lotion               to               rid               myself               of               the               flaky               look.
                   It               is               just               ashame               that               one               again               Bath               &               Body               Works               has               introduced               a               crappy               line               of               products               to               their               collection.

    I               hope               to               see               this               collection               leave               the               shelves               never               to               return,               make               room               for               something               worth               wild.
                   C.O               Bigelow's               Mentha               Body               Vitamin               Body               Wash               is               a               rip-off               at               $12.00.

    It               is               no               wonder               it               went               on               sale               it's               first               week               in               stores               for               $5.00.

    No               one               in               their               right               mind               is               going               to               spend               $12.00               on               this               once               they               smell               it's               spearmint               toothpaste               like               scent.
                   Walk               past               it.

    But               if               you               must,               do               stop               and               take               a               sniff               at               that               toothpaste               wash,               just               so               you               can               warn               your               friends               of               it.
                   Bath               &               Body               Works               added               this               nasty               product               to               their               shelves               in               the               beginning               of               the               month,               you               can               also               take               a               peek               at               it               on               their               site               at               www.bathandbodyworks.com.

    Like               I               said               though,               it's               not               even               worth               a               buy               on               sale               at               $5.00.
                   Lesson               Learned:
                   Don't               take               something               home               with               you               just               because               it               is               free.

    If               you               hate               it               when               you               smell               it               in               the               store,               just               leave               it               there.

    Who               has               room               for               more               crap               to               pile               up               in               their               closets               anyway?

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    2013년 12월 2일 월요일

    About 'health food supplement'|Chemistry, Nutritional Supplements Or Whole Foods - To Maintain the Health Tripod, Body-Mind-Spirit

    About 'health food supplement'|Chemistry, Nutritional Supplements Or Whole Foods - To Maintain the Health Tripod, Body-Mind-Spirit

    Xylitol,               a               sweetener               made               from               natural               substances               like               wood,               fruits               and               vegetables,               is               actually               recommended               by               dentists               as               a               preventative               against               tooth               decay.

    In               addition,               xylitol               doesn't               cause               blood               sugar               fluctuations               and               can,               therefore,               be               used               by               diabetics.

    Although               many               artificial               sweeteners               exist--some               of               which               don't               taste               too               bad--many               people               who               are               trying               to               clean               up               their               diets               don't               care               to               use               "artificial"               foods.

    Both               aspartame               and               sucralose               (the               ingredients               in               Equal               and               Splenda)               have               been               known               to               cause               toxic               reactions               in               some               users.
                   While               another               natural               sweetener               called               Stevia--sold               in               many               health               food               stores--is               becoming               more               well               known,               it               has               a               somewhat               bitter               taste               and               is               only               palatable               in               foods               that               already               have               a               slight               bitterness               to               them               already,               i.e.

    tea               and               the               like.
                   Xylitol,               however,               tastes               just               like               sugar,               measures               like               sugar,               is               safe               for               baking,               is               good               for               your               teeth               and               is               converted               to               glucose               more               slowly               than               sugar--requiring               little               insulin               to               be               metabolized               so               it               doesn't               cause               sudden               changes               in               blood               sugar               levels.

    The               xylitol               molecule               only               has               five               carbon               atoms,               instead               of               the               six               found               in               other               sweeteners.

    As               most               bacteria               in               the               mouth               are               unable               to               use               this               chemical               combination,               xylitol               has               been               found               to               prevent               cavities.

    In               addition,               xylitol               has               fewer               calories               than               sugar.
                   Sound               too               good               to               be               true?

    Well,               there               are               a               couple               of               negatives.
                   First,               excessive               use               of               xylitol               may               cause               a               laxative               effect.

    However,               it's               easy               to               find               out               what               the               word               "excessive"               means               to               you.

    Begin               by               using               xylitol               in               small               amounts,               i.e.

    as               a               replacement               for               sugar               in               your               morning               cup               of               coffee               or               tea.

    If               this               amount               has               no               ill               effect               (and               it               probably               will               not),               you               can               try               a               little               more               the               next               day,               and               the               next,               etc.
                   Second,               xylitol               is               rather               pricey.

    I               paid               $11.99               a               pound               and               was               not               thrilled               about               that               (although               it               can               be               purchased               online               for               far               less,               but               one               must               keep               shipping               costs               in               mind).

    The               primary               source               for               xylitol               is               birch               trees,               and               production               is               expensive.
                   However,               I               have               health               issues               that               more               or               less               forced               me               to               forgo               sugar               entirely,               so               I               was               glad               to               see               that               a               healthy               (healthier               than               sugar!)               substitute               exists,               even               at               this               high               price.

    After               having               given               up               sugar,               I               got               used               to               not               using               a               sweetener               at               all,               so               I               have               no               problem               using               it               sparingly               and               a               pound               can               last               a               very               long               time.

    Therefore,               I'd               say               it's               worth               the               price.
                   Lastly,               xylitol               can               be               difficult               to               find.

    So               far,               I've               only               been               able               to               find               it               in               health               food               stores               and,               if               you               live               in               a               rural               area,               they               can               be               few               and               far               between.

    The               buyer               may               be               forced               to               order               online,               if               it               can't               be               purchased               locally.
                   I've               tried               two               different               brands,               NOW               and               KAL,               with               no               difference               in               taste.

    It               would               seem               that               xylitol               is               xylitol,               just               as               sugar               is               sugar,               regardless               of               the               brand.
                   Overall,               I               heartily               recommend               using               xylitol               for               your               everyday               sweetener               needs,               if               you               can               find               it               and               if               you               can               afford               it.

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